
Our database is meticulously curated to provide the most accurate and comprehensive data on crypto tokenomics. However, to effectively use our database, it's important to understand a few exceptions and special cases that you might encounter.

Date Formats

Our API returns dates in the "token_emissions" field using the standard ISO 8601 date format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".

Cliff Periods

In the context of our database, the term "cliff" refers to a specific period in a vesting schedule. A vesting cliff is a period of time before the tokens begin to vest. Essentially, it's a period during which the token holder accrues the right to receive the tokens, but cannot actually claim them until the cliff period is over.

In our database, cliff periods are represented by the value -1. This is a placeholder value, and it's important to note that it doesn't represent an actual token value. When retrieving data, all negative values represent cliff periods and should be converted to 0 to avoid confusion.

Handling Empty Columns

Our database is designed to provide a comprehensive view of each token's tokenomics. As such, every token has all columns, even if some of those columns might not contain any data for that particular token. When retrieving data, it's important to drop these empty columns to ensure that your data is as clean and concise as possible.

In conclusion, understanding these exceptions and special cases will help you make the most of our database. We are committed to providing the most accurate and comprehensive tokenomics data, and we hope that this understanding will enhance your experience with our database.

Last updated